We’ve had several cases, women saying all men are the
same, others say they’re all dogs, others say they
shouldn’t be trusted. Yeah we men have heard all this but
that doesn’t make us all the same, I know finding the right
man is so hard since most men now days don’t know what
they want, so today I Listed down some of the qualities
that a real man has, hope you enjoy.
1. He is honest – about who he is and what he has done in
his life.
2. He speaks up – even if it is to say things others don’t
want to hear.
3. He is focused on progress – not performance – on the
process, not the goal.
4. He Loves his family and therefore wants to protect them
from harm. This does not have to involve fighting anyone.
5. He Has a true purpose – one that hopefully contributes
to the well being of others.
6. He thrives not in competition, but in cooperation.
Competition is based on winners and losers, placing value
in it simply makes losers feel less of themselves and
makes winners buy into the temporary delusion that they
are better than others.
7. He is A Devoted fathers not deadbeat dads!
8. He Love and Believes In God
9. He Respects women and never man-handles them.
10. He Moves away from sin
One thing I have definitely learn’t over the past year, is that
life will humble you. It humbles all of us at one time or
another, which is something that we either embrace, or we
fight. If we resist, and we’re never humbled by ‘these
moments’, we’ll never learn.
We Men know women Go through a lot Over their past
relationships or marriage with their man but that doesn’t
make you to hate all men for that one or two men who
broke your heart, have written some few points here just to
let you know on what to do when your still SINGLE, Enjoy!
1. Stop Mixing Sex With Love.
Sex Is not Love and Love Will never be sex, so trying to
make him love you by making love to him is the stupid
thing to do, so you know it makes you cheap to him and
his going to dump you for another woman, know how to
handle then man you wanna be with stop trapping him to
make him stick or be with you.
2. Playing Hard to Get For Long Isn’t No Good.
Some Women Believe Playing hard to get for long is a test
to know If the man Loves you or how patient he can wait
for her, but at some point it leads to the wrong corner, Men
get tired too and he will switch side to another woman and
his gonna forget about you. Am not trying to say you play
easy but at least know the Limits don’t Push him away.
3. Going to Clubs Isn’t Gonna Get You A good Man.
Clubbing and partying isn’t a bad thing that is if you’re
with your man but how does a guy who you met at the
club think about you? we Men love fun and this man you
meet in the club will just want to have fun with you and
not really want to a serious relationship.
4. Don’t Be So Hard On Men.
I know going through a lot is so hard for most women, all
the heartbreaks after being used, treated like trash can be
so consuming but this shouldn’t be every man’s fault, not
every man you will meet will same as your previous man,
sometimes its good to give a try and this time be keen
and know whats this new man intention, the result maybe
positive and you will be happy.
You will all agree with me that texting is fun. There are
some things that are so much irritating when say it when
you are texting. Here are some of them.
1. Is There Someone Else?
Being insecure is only natural, but don’t be insecure to the
point where you start scaring your boyfriend. So he’s been
busy for a few days, he isn’t able to talk as much as he
does, don’t just assume things and Ask him if he’s seeing
someone else. If you have insecurities, it is always healthy
to talk them out in person And solve the issues in front of
him rather than texting him an accusation which then leads
to a fight.
2. Drunk Texts
Texting under the influence is never a good idea unless
you can really control yourself, and most of us can’t. Don’t
text under the influence, the things you say might cause a
terrible downfall in your relationship as your Boyfriend sees
your party side and how hard it is for you to control it. In
certain situations, drunk texts lead to Funny conversations
but that only happens a few times, most of the time you’ll
wake up thinking why you Said that and you shouldn’t
3. Why Aren’t You Replying?
Understand the fact that your boyfriend may get a little too
busy with work and studies sometimes, and being A good
girlfriend you need to not be clingy and be supportive. Such
clingy messages like “Oh you’re ignoring Me now?” Will
only make him forcefully reply you because he doesn’t
want to have a fight or make you angry And think of a
thousand stories against him. Be supportive and be
patient. We all have personal space, we sure need the
4. Screenshots From The Past
It is one of the weakest moves during an argument to
screen shot something your boyfriend said to you months
Ago and put it on their face to leverage your argument.
Keep the argument strictly based on the present and Don’t
try digging out things from the past that he probably
doesn’t even remember any more. It’ll lead to a Never-
ending fight with both of you trying as hard as you can to
hurt each other.
5. It’s over
So you decided to end it with your boyfriend, please be
humane enough to do it in person or even over a Phone
call. You should never, and I mean NEVER, break up over a
text message with just a few words. This kind of news is
sensitive and can really mess someone’s head up, this
sort of stuff needs to be dealt With care. It may also make
you seem like you’re scared to face them and to do it on
their face. In some Cases, if it really isn’t possible to call
or see him, at least don’t use the two words “It’s Over”.
6. A Little Too Much Sarcasm
Sarcasm doesn’t hurt, as long as it’s done right. If you’re
still in the initial stages with your guy, don’t try to be
Super-sarcastic to make yourself seem funny, you might
come off as rude. Do it at a normal level, but if the Texts
seems a bit iffy, avoid it.
Its not a new thing that women haven't stopped their usual way of ditching men. For men like me this is very embarrassing and most time affects us both emotionally and mentally
1. Bad presentation
First Impression Matters when your going on a date, bad
presentation is a total turn of to women, hygiene Is more
important, women want presentable and neat men not just
any guy who wears anything, If your a smoker or a
drunkard make sure you brush well cause bad smell is a
total turn off to women.
2. Being Boring
On dates women mostly listen and respond to what your
talking about, pick an interesting topic to talk about don’t
look boring cause she won’t like to have another date with
you if your dull and you have nothing to say. If your so shy
then prepare earlier before Going on a date.
3. Being Too Pushy and Nagging.
Sometimes you should know women don’t like being
nagged or being pushed to do some things. You don’t know
her past maybe she doesn’t want to go through same
experience, so stepping over the line will make her keep
away from you, If you want to win her Play by her rules,
with time your turn for her to get used to you will come.
4. Don’t Exaggerate on somethings.
Relax when you want to focus on a woman, be yourself and
don’t make up false and exaggerated stories cause women
do notice then, they have sense and most of them can look
at you and sense your lying to her. So be careful on what
your telling her.
5. Lack Of Ambitions.
Women like men with ambition not men who Just play
around not knowing where they are heading, having no
objective in your life can be a turn off to the woman you
want to date which leads to rejection in the end. Have
ambition and direction and she will be close to you.
Maybe you have seen a girl around, and you have been dreaming of just going up and talking to her. However, approaching someone for the first time is nerve-wracking in most instances; add your new crush into the mix, and you might be a bumbling mess. Sometimes, though, the result is infinitely worth the risk.
1. Make eye contact. Spend a few days catching her gaze every now and then. Don’t just stare at her, though; instead, shoot her small glances until your eyes meet and she catches you. When she does, smile slightly and look away after a second. You’ll probably blush as well, which is all the better – blushing indicates you’re nervous, which is a hint that you like her.
2. Time it right. When you do talk to her, pick a time that’s convenient. Don’t try to get her attention when she’s obviously involved in something else, and try to have a bit of privacy – you don’t have to be completely alone, but her attention shouldn’t be too distracted.
Make the interaction extra casual (and put a time limit on it) by talking to her while you’re both walking somewhere else. If you walk to a class at the same time as her, or you start walking the same way home, this is a great opening.
3. Start with a compliment. Paying a girl the right compliment makes your intentions clear right away – she’ll know instantly that you’re interested in being more than her friend. Here are some things to consider:
Know how to deliver a compliment. Even the best compliment in the world will fall flat if your delivery is off. Keep a half smile as you talk – it will make you naturally add appealing inflection to your voice. (Try this trick out when you answer the phone sometime and see if you notice a difference.) Maintain eye contact with her, and keep the tones of your voice up, but lower the actual volume – speaking softly immediately communicates intimacy, and it can make her instinctively lean in closer to hear you. If this all sounds a bit difficult, practice it in front of a mirror first.
As anyone who’s ever had a stalker can tell you, there’s a fine but definite line between flattering and creepy. With this in mind, choose your compliment wisely. Saying something like “You always look amazing in that shirt” can come off as weird if you don’t know her well, and implies that you watch her. (Even if you do, it’s best not to spill that information immediately.) Instead, opt for something general but cute, such as “Your smile is glowing today. What’s making you so happy?” or “I thought what you said in class earlier was really interesting.” A good compliment should naturally lead to more conversation, instead of just hanging awkwardly in the air after you say it.
Know what to avoid. If you’re going to pay a girl a compliment about her physical looks, stick to her eyes, smile or hair. Do not comment on her body otherwise, especially on the first interaction.
If you want to play it extra safe, pick something you already know she’s proud of. For instance, if you know she’s a dedicated violinist, say something like, “I’ve heard you’re an amazing musician,” and use it as a way to ask her some questions about it.
4. Keep the conversation moving. You might be tempted to stop talking and just stare at this girl, but don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Allowing a long lull in the conversation will make things feel awkward.
5. Instead, have a mental list of backup questions you can use if you stumble on an uncomfortable pause.
Ask about what she thinks of a shared homework assignment or an upcoming event. Asking for her opinion communicates that you care about what she thinks, and see her as more than just an object.
Use the conversation to find out more about her, but be subtle. For instance, if you want to find out if she already has a boyfriend, you could casually ask, “So, anything fun planned with your boyfriend for the weekend?” If she doesn’t have one and she’s interested in you, she’ll let you know immediately.
Ask open-ended questions. For instance, instead of saying “So, have anything fun planned for the break?” (which can be answered with a short “yes” or “no”), say “What are you going to do to keep busy while school is out?” A question that requires a detailed response is always better to keep a conversation flowing.
6. Make her laugh (optional). If you’re sure you’ve got a joke she’ll appreciate, give it a shot. The goal is to show her you have an engaging sense of humor, but you don’t want to come off as desperate or cheesy.
If possible, crack a joke about the current situation or something you both saw happen. Situational humor is more meaningful than a joke you read online.
Don’t tell a dirty joke. It’s not appropriate for a first conversation, and it might give her the wrong impression.
If she doesn’t get the joke, don’t explain it to her unless she asks. Just move on quickly with a new point of conversation.
Good humor is really attractive, but bad humor is a complete turn off. If you can’t think of a joke that makes sense with the situation at hand, leave it alone.
7. Close the conversation early. Follow that old saying – “Always leave them wanting more.” Find a way to gracefully duck out of the conversation before it goes stale. Good luck!
What do you have to say?
Judging from my experience and observations on how ladies of nowadays take this world to be especially when love is mentioned. First ladies are the ones who contradict the whole things. Yes love is real and is also bound to fade with time (that is if its not maintained). So I have decided to write this open letter to our ladies. so i have been able to pick out some issues that can sustain your relationship and make you happy
A great relationship is abt appreciating d similarities n respecting d differences u have wit ur guy. Most times gals go in2 relationships hoping 2 change certain things abt their guys, but even though he may compromise n let go of certain things 4 u, their r somtyns u shudn’t expect 2 change abt him. Read on 2 know these things and why u shudn’t try changing dem.
Sometimes We men Like Being With A pretty Woman, it Make us feel good about ourselves by just having a beautiful woman in our arms. But sometimes you Don’t have to look into beauty alone but also the character of a woman, some trait in her may show that she not just the one for you, Below are some of the red flags that you’re dating the WRONG woman.
1. She Still Talk To Her Exes
We all know, Most women still talk to their exes. They might be friends or they might just keep in touch via phone or any social network. But if you find that she’s spending more time on the phone with her ex than you, it’s time to top dating her.
Women who keep in touch with EX’s show signs that they haven’t Moved on but still have feelings for them. If she doesn’t stop, Just quits immediately. She either doesn’t care about you enough to forget her previous relationship or she doesn’t care how it makes you feel. Either way, she’s no good to you now. Call it Quits.CONTINUE READING==>2. She Hangs Out With Male Friends A lot
Girls who hang around with a lot of men are always looking for attention. If your attention isn’t enough for her then you need to move on. Woman Like to see the void filled so If you can’t fill them someone else will. You Should quit early to avoid being heartbroken Later
When a girl hangs around a lot of men she is always comparing you to them which means you Aren’t Good Enough for her. Don’t put up with this childlike competition. Get rid of her and move on to a girl that relate to her own gender.
3. She Never Says Where She Is
Relationships Have no secrets, She Either tells you where she is but if she doesn’t it means she is hiding something, Most she will say she is late for work, or hanging out with her girlfriends sometimes she will say She needs sometime A Lone, when you see this character in the woman your dating you should either stop dating her or ask her about it but best option is Just Quit.
4. She Never Pays
Mostly men should pay on a date, but if she’s never paying you should wake up too Women that never pay for their own meals have weird issues. They usually come from families where they are spoiled and sometimes they think that they are hot enough for men to be lucky enough to pay for everything they do.
This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t take your girl out for a date and be the gentleman, but if she just stands there waiting for you to pay every time, it’s probably time to find somebody else. There are more than enough men that are more willing to be sugar daddies. Don’t strain yourself or lose your cash cause the girl wants to leave you..
I know you all wonder how it is possible for someone to tell that she is compatible with another person. Sometimes people from totally different worlds come together and most times the relationship does not work out. As much as we say that learning new things is good, most women look for a guy who share the same interests with her and have some things in common.
Every woman wants to love and be loved by a honest man. A honest man tells the truth always no matter how bad it is. Honesty locks out all sorts of doubts and wrong judgments from a spouse. It is therefore a basic quality that women look for.
True to his words
A man who is true to his words is a man who makes decisions and acts upon them. When e promises to call in the morning he does just that. He stands firm on what he believes in.
Future oriented
This is a man who knows what he wants in life. He may not have what he wants at the moment but has an aim of achieving it and is doing everything he can to get it.
Easy to talk to
Is the man in question easy to talk about issues going wrong between the both of you? is it easy to talk after a fight and solve your issues?
A good listener
Sometimes women talk to much when in distress or excited. A good man is one who listens to her without getting tired or complaining. That is what love does to us. to love is to overlook.
Every woman looks for a man who respect what they have as a whole and decisions made in between.
Emotionally mature
Most women look for men who do not snap and start throwing tantrums during an argument. They look for men who keep calm all the time and are composed during such time.