You will all agree with me that texting is fun. There are
some things that are so much irritating when say it when
you are texting. Here are some of them.

1. Is There Someone Else?
Being insecure is only natural, but don’t be insecure to the
point where you start scaring your boyfriend. So he’s been
busy for a few days, he isn’t able to talk as much as he
does, don’t just assume things and Ask him if he’s seeing
someone else. If you have insecurities, it is always healthy
to talk them out in person And solve the issues in front of
him rather than texting him an accusation which then leads
to a fight.

2. Drunk Texts
Texting under the influence is never a good idea unless
you can really control yourself, and most of us can’t. Don’t
text under the influence, the things you say might cause a
terrible downfall in your relationship as your Boyfriend sees
your party side and how hard it is for you to control it. In
certain situations, drunk texts lead to Funny conversations
but that only happens a few times, most of the time you’ll
wake up thinking why you Said that and you shouldn’t

3. Why Aren’t You Replying?
Understand the fact that your boyfriend may get a little too
busy with work and studies sometimes, and being A good
girlfriend you need to not be clingy and be supportive. Such
clingy messages like “Oh you’re ignoring Me now?” Will
only make him forcefully reply you because he doesn’t
want to have a fight or make you angry And think of a
thousand stories against him. Be supportive and be
patient. We all have personal space, we sure need the

4. Screenshots From The Past
It is one of the weakest moves during an argument to
screen shot something your boyfriend said to you months
Ago and put it on their face to leverage your argument.
Keep the argument strictly based on the present and Don’t
try digging out things from the past that he probably
doesn’t even remember any more. It’ll lead to a Never-
ending fight with both of you trying as hard as you can to
hurt each other.

5. It’s over
So you decided to end it with your boyfriend, please be
humane enough to do it in person or even over a Phone
call. You should never, and I mean NEVER, break up over a
text message with just a few words. This kind of news is
sensitive and can really mess someone’s head up, this
sort of stuff needs to be dealt With care. It may also make
you seem like you’re scared to face them and to do it on
their face. In some Cases, if it really isn’t possible to call
or see him, at least don’t use the two words “It’s Over”.

6. A Little Too Much Sarcasm
Sarcasm doesn’t hurt, as long as it’s done right. If you’re
still in the initial stages with your guy, don’t try to be
Super-sarcastic to make yourself seem funny, you might
come off as rude. Do it at a normal level, but if the Texts
seems a bit iffy, avoid it.

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