Do you have a crush on someone and you have chance to talk to that person or even exchange phone numbers? It’s all good, but you may want to avoid doing these wrong things when chatting with him over the phone.
By not acting desperate, you may actually get to date your crush… which is the ultimate goal for you right?
Alicia Fanning of All Women Stalk lists 7 habits to avoid when texting your crush:
1.Blowing up his phone: Okay, girlies, I know this is very tempting! After all, you think he’s just amazing and you want to talk to him all the #time. I get it. But you don’t want to constantly blow up his phone. As difficult as it is, you need to give him some space. Show your interest but don’t let it go overboard.
2.Texting at the wrong time: If you know your #crush has plans then hold your texts. Even if he loves talking to you and may be interested in you as his potential GF, there are just times it’s better not to text. If he’s having dinner with his family or hanging with the guys, respect that he’s busy and hold your texts till later. Get busy doing something of your own while you’re waiting for him to be free to talk. Use this time to hang out with your friends, work out or do whatever makes you happy while you’ve got the free #time.
3. 3 Texting him first all the time: We’re modern #women. We know it’s okay for us to text a #guy first. But, you don’t want to text him first all the #time. You can but if you do then you’re cheat*ng yourself a #little bit. You want to give him the opportunity to miss you and then shoot you a text.
4 Pressuring him into dating: Girls, you don’t want to ever pressure a #crush into dating you even if you think he’s the greatest guy in the entire world. Relationships that start like that often end badly. Instead, make it your goal to be friendly and #flirty. Let him know you’re single but don’t push #things. If he’s interested then he’ll let you know so have no worries about that issue.
5 Trying to make him jealous: This trick could backfire, especially if his interest is still minimal toward you. Yes, it’s sort of cute when you see that a #guy is a tiny bit jealous but it’s not worth the risk to try to cause that. You want to build his interest in you. Trying to make him jealous could push him away. He might even think that he’s infringing on another guy’s territory and back away.
6 Pushing for more: Here’s a little secret, ladies. Guys don’t like clingy girls, but they love confident girls. And you have every right to be confident in your #beautiful self! You can show your interest in him without resorting to doing things like begging him to text you or other clingy actions. You won’t have to do those #things if he’s interested and if he’s not then move on to the next cutie!
7 Texting things you’d be embarrased about if other people saw: This is always a good rule to follow in any kind of technology. Never text, say or post anything that you’d be embarra$$ed if other #people saw. Even if the chances are slim, there’s still a #chance. Keep it clean and you’ll have no regrets. The #girl you are is enough to win a guy’s heart without sending texts you don’t want anyone to know about.